dermalogica face mapping
Think, your at-home skin care regimen is enough? Think again! Only a Dermalogica skin therapist from My Beauty Basics can offer customized treatments with professional Dermalogica products that address your specific skin condition. Visit us for instant skin care results that are achieved only with a professional Dermalogica treatment!
You are invited to a free 15 minutes Face Mapping – the zone-by-zone skin analysis that prescribes the right products for the right results. When we’re done, you’ll receive free samples of the products prescribed by your Face Mapping skin analysis, so you can try the products prescribed especially for you and your skin’s needs!
Already been Face Mapped? Visit us again for a check up, because the needs of your skin change daily!
Contact us to book your free no obligation to buy session.
At the core of the Dermalogica philosophy is the belief that skin is constantly evolving. A trained and qualified skin therapist is needed to read skin’s changing conditions and recommend a professional skin system to accommodate them. “Dermalogica is not based on old-fashioned skin typing, but on allowing the skin therapist to design a personalised system for each client, considering skin’s daily condition and individual concerns.
We don’t believe that skin is either dry, oily or normal,” explains Dermalogica founder Jane Wurwand. “Skin conditions are constantly changing due to a variety of factors, namely age, environment, hormones, and ethnicity. So it is out of date to label a skin dry for the rest of its life or even the rest of the month!” The notion of skin “types” is a thing of the past. As a result, the treatment or home care regimen that a client receives in February will likely be very different from the recommended for the same client in May.
Combining the latest in skin analysis techniques with the proven results of Chinese Diagnosis, Dermalogica’s revolutionary Face Mapping skin analysis procedure provides the therapist with an objective view of the skin’s condition, as well as an indication of the underlying health issues that might be affecting it.
Developed by The International Dermal Institute exclusively for Dermalogica, Face Mapping allows a skin therapist to examine and analyse the client’s skin in approximately 15 minutes. And it is literally an investment of a few minutes which can “save a client’s skin,” according to Wurwand. “Many women still select their skin care products the way they shop for makeup,” comments Wurwand. “This is a mistake. They may buy a cleanser or a moisturiser because they like the fragrance, which is generally artificial, or because they like the packaging, which is of course, pure marketing!
Face Mapping was created to provide consumers with brand-neutral facts about the condition of their skin. Ideally, these facts will guide their purchases intelligently, regardless of what brand they choose.”
Rather than analysing the skin in general terms, Face Mapping is based upon the division of the face, neck and chest area into fourteen zones, each with its own set of unique problems and needs. The zones allow the therapist to examine, observe and make notations pertaining to every inch of the face (even behind the ears, where shampoo, cleansers or other product may accumulate, causing irritation!).
The analysis integrates a visual exam under high magnification, tactile exam to locate hot areas (indicating congestion), milia forming beneath the skin but not yet visible, oily and dry spots and so on. A continual dialogue is held between the client and the skin care therapist on what is being looked for and what is found.
The record allows both therapist and client to observe and respond effectively to changes in condition and to select the appropriate treatments and home use products. Only by covering the skin inch by inch can a true analysis of the skin’s condition be obtained and a customised treatment and home care regime be prescribed.