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How to prepare for laser hair removal treatment visit?

Before starting laser hair removal treatments at My Beauty Basics please go through the information in this article. It should help to save time during your visit and help you to prepare for the treatment day.

Consultation and Patch Test

Please note it is madatory to book a free consultation and patch test visit at least 48 hours before treatment can actually take place. This ensures the suitability of the skin area to the laser hair removal treatment and ensure any medical conditions and medications can be considered before starting the treatment.

Consultation Documents

Please review and familiarise yourself with the below documents before your consultation and patch test visit. This will save time to read, review and sign the documents during your visit.

Medical History Questionnaire

Medical history questionnaire is one of the most important document that helps us to determine the suitability of the laser hair removal treatments for you. It helps the therapist to establish any contraindications and give you advice to seek further consent from your GP before treatment can be carried out.

Our treatments protocol is created and governed by recognised expert medical practitioner Dr Ross Martin (M.B., Ch.B, MRCGP, FRACGP, DRCOG). If needed we can consult Dr Ross Martin to seek further guidence if for certain medications your are taking or medical conditions you may have, contradict with the laser treatments.

Medical history form laser hair removal

Laser Hair Removal for Diabetic Clients

For diabetic clients it is possible for us to carry out limited laser hair removal treatments provided certain pre-conditions are met. All clients with diabetes will need to complete additional questionnaire shown below.

Laser hair removal for diabetic clients

Informed Consent Booklet

Informed consent booket is provided during the visit so that you are fully aware of all aspects of the laser hair treatments. Please read through this booklet before your visit. Reading the booklet beforehand will help you to have your questions ready for the therapist, to be asked during your visit.

After care Instructions Booklet

After care play an important part in the overall laser hair removal treatment process. Aftercare instructions helps to maintain the efficacy of the laser hair removal treatment.

Fitzpatrick Skin Typing

Analysing the skin type correctly helps to use the correct setting of the laser hair removal device therefore contributes to effectiveness of the treatment. Your thearapist will calculate the overall score and perform a further skin analysis to conclude the skin type. Your help will be needed to circle against the scale of each personal attributes relevant to you.

Shaving Requirement

Please shave the area(s) at least 24 hours before you are planning to get rid of unwanted hair in preparation for the patch test and each time you visit for your laser hair removal appointment.

No Waxing

To ensure that we can produce effective results for the laser hair removal treatments we need to request you to stop using wax hair removal method 3-4 weeks in advance. You can continue to use waxing for hair removal from other areas of the body that are not going to be treated by laser hair removal.

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